EntrepreNerds Book Discussion: Taking Decisive Action

EntrepreNerds Book Discussion: Taking Decisive Action
. Please Note --> This is a Past Event!! .

Date: 5/16/2014
Time: 12:00 PM TO 1:30 PM

Fort Collins Area Chamber of Commerce
225 S. Meldrum
Fort Collins, CO 80521

(970) 482-3746

Event Description:
EntrepreNerds Book Discussion: Taking Decisive Action
Sponsored by Bear's Backyard Grill
Date: Friday May 16, 2014 Noon - 1:30pm 
Location: Fort Collins Area Chamber of Commerce
Cost: Members $25 / Non-Members $35 (includes catered lunch)

Entrepreneurial professionals and leaders are tasked with making important decisions daily. Such responsibilities can feel daunting and overwhelming, making it easy to either agonize over choices or completely detach (leaving it up to "fate"). Neither tactic is advisable! This month in EntrepreNerds we'll empower Taking Decisive Action by discussing:
  • Barriers to making smart decisions
  • Tools for gaining decisive clarity
  • Tips for simplifying complicated decisions

How it Works:

Everyone reads a relevant book (blog or article) of their choice before the meeting and ponders 4 pre discussion questions to help focus the conversation. 

Recommended Reading :
Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work by Chip and Dan Heath

In this book, Chip and Dan Heath synthesize their extensive research on decision making into a memorable moniker that will help you overcome the most common biases experienced. They arm readers with the W.R.A.P. Process, empowering them to overcome those pitfalls in a manner that feels more natural than the typical, formulaic approach. Consciously practice these in your day-to-day and you'll confidentially make wiser choices with more ease.

Smart Choices: A Practice Guide to Making Better Decisions by John S. Hammond, et al

John Hammond, et al assert that to start making smarter choices you have to get Proactive. They review a step-by-step process intended to help you make logical decisions that takes into account the uniqueness of each situation. This book is particularly valuable for managers and leaders that need to demonstrate how they followed a rational process for their decisions.

(EntrepreNerds has partnered with Firehouse Books in Old Town to offer a 20% off discount to book discussion attendees)

Interested in facilitating an EntrepreNerds book discussion?  Contact Ariana: arianaf@gmail.com

About EntrepreNerds:
EntrepreNerds is the brain child of Ariana Friedlander.  Six months into starting her business, Ariana began to realize that there was a lot about being an entrepreneur she needed to learn in order to succeed.  A dedicated lifelong learner, she yearned for a supportive community of fellow entrepreneurs that read business books and discussed their experiences applying the concepts to real life.  And so EntrepreNerds was born, with the first Book Discussion happening on March 1, 2012.  Participating in this simple yet profound and engaging professional development program makes the difference between success and failure.  EntrepreNerds Book Discussion participants benefit from making meaningful connections while expanding their knowledge.  As a result, participants are empowered to implement new techniques, behaviors and strategies to successfully grow their business.


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